Monday 7 March 2011

A Nice Day Out In Perth

Last Saturday far too early in the morning I boarded the bus to go to Perth to picket the Liberal Democrat Scottish Conference.

Naturally I was wearing my hi-vis jacket (See the suggestions made by the Let's Get Visible page on Facebook ).

The Police were present in huge numbers. In fact they probably out numbered us as there were only about 300 there. Two individuals who berated UNISON NLC Branch members for not attending demos were themselves absent from this. What we lacked in numbers was made up for by enthusiasm.

As well as the trade unionists there was a VERY strong presence of disabled activists who are particularly hacked off at the cuts to their income (which ARE happening despite what George Osborne and Danny Alexander say).

Most of the Lib Dems opted not to come out for lunch that day. The most famous face I saw was Russell Fairgrieve. No minister or other prominent figure appeared. Nick Clegg apparently sneaked in the back door. Good to know that the Deputy Prime Minister of this country is so craven he can't face a couple of hundred people who think he's wrong. We're all in together indeed.

The Lib Dems did offer a private meeting with some of the leading disabled activists. The activists are happy to meet but wish to do so in public. The relevant Ministers didn't seem to like this. Another example of their courage.

There was the usual barracking and most delgates scuttled away quickly, hiding their Conference passes. Most justed stayed in the hall. A brave few stood and smiled at us, but those smiles were wiped away by a quick chant of "Barnsley, Barnsley, Barnsley".

In all a nice day out and much more effective than a huge public demo which will be miles from those we "Lobby",

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