Thursday 15 July 2010

I got quite scared the other day. I thought I had started agreeing with David Cameron.

The occasion was when he condemned comments made on the a Facebook page called "RIP Raoul Moat You Legend".

However, to my great relief I found that I differed form the Prime Minister. He demanded that Facebook should close the page down.

As for me I found the contents absolutely hideous. Let's start with the basics. i cannot agree with Moat being deemed a legend. His actions were despicable. He murdered a man in cold blood. He injured two others and appeared to absolutely reckless as to whether or not they survived. The most generous description I could apply to Moat is that he was just sad.

Quite apart from the inappropriate hero worship of the man there was also the contents of many of the posts on this page. They were vile and contained many sexist, racist rants. They made hideous comments about the Police and Moat's ex partner.

I really do wish this tribute page had never existed. But at the same time I did not want it to be closed down.

Yes, I found it horrible, but then perhaps some people think that of some of my views. If I decide that other people should be censored, then why should I not be censored too.

Freedom of speech is a liberty which our ancestors fought and died for. Yes there are times when it has to be curtailed, but we should defend this freedom as vigorously as we can. We shouldn't let a few wackos on the Internet threaten freedom for the rest of us.

And let's face it, our PM simply provided the oxygen of publicity. The page has been closed by its original controller now and there's a part of me which is relieved. There is however another part that feels the oppression of the orthodox view has won over yet again.

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